20 Mar 2024
The submission period will start on April 1Â and will end on May 20, 2024 at 23:59.
General information & requirements
Abstracts should include animal or human research study results or high-quality case reports or case series discussing rare cases or interesting conditions in the field of intensive care medicine.
Abstracts should meet universal ethical standards.
Submitted abstracts must describe unpublished work, which is not in press, nor has been submitted as an abstract or a manuscript.
Abstracts in narrative/opinion review, will not be accepted.
Must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 11, single-spaced.
The abstract should be sent electronically by e-mail as a word or pdf file to siz-secretariat@downtowneurope.be
The total length text must not exceed 2000 characters.
All abbreviations must be defined at first use except for the very well-known.
Up to 10 authors (maximum 9 co-authors) per abstract.
The submitting author will be the contact author. She/he will be notified via email of the submission’s acceptance or rejection in June 2024.
The first author must be present at the congress to present her/his work.
The winner of the best abstract will be invited to present her/his work at the SIZ Annual Meeting (21/06/2024) during one of the sessions.
All the accepted abstracts will have the possibility to become posters, which will be displayed at the SIZ Annual Meeting and presented in a poster round during lunchtime.
All the accepted abstracts will be published during 1 year on the SIZ website, which is enough for the recognition commission (French and Dutch-speaking) for the year 2024.
How to build an abstract?
Title:Â Must be short and specific. Type in sentence format, in bold font.
Introduction:Â The first sentences should state the hypothesis, purpose of the study.
Methods:Â Briefly describe the study design, patients or subjects, procedures, and measurements
Results:Â A summary of the results should be provided with relevant data.
Conclusion:Â The abstract should close with a brief statement of conclusion.
References:Â If included, cite number in text using square brackets. In reference list, then journal name, volume, page range and year of publication. (e.g., Jorens P. et al. SIZ News 1:1-5, 2024)
Table/Figure: A maximum of 1 table OR 1 figure can be included. All tables/figures must be cited in the text. Tables can have a maximum of 5 columns and 8 rows. Figures must be submitted in jpg or png.
Case reports:Â Must be submitted using the same first 5 components.
Consent to publish: If the abstract contains details relating to individual participants, written informed consent for the publication of these details in the abstract must be obtained from the participant and a statement to this effect should appear at the end of the abstract.