SIZ Awards: Original experimental or Clinical scientific research work
The submission period will start on April 1 and will end on May 20, 2024 at 23:59.
General information & requirements
The Annual SIZ Award (3.750,00 €) aims to promote
The awarded work will be presented at the SIZ Annual Meeting 2024 (21/06/2024) during a session.
The works presented should be submitted by researchers of less than 40 years old at the submission date.
The price will award an experimental or clinical work in the field of Intensive Care Medicine.
The work should be either original and of high scientific quality or equivalent to a thesis for fellowship.
The Award will be attributed to congratulate the author and to encourage her/him to pursuit a scientific activity.
The jury, members of the Board of the SIZ, will assign the Award annually but if there is a lack of scientifically acceptable submissions, the Award may not be allowed.
If you want more information, you can contact the SIZ secretariat: